Love Letters & Wine Box Ceremony
A Love Letter and
Wine Box exchange is a romantic ceremony that will enhance your wedding and
serve as a lasting reminder of the commitments made to one another.
Heart felt
letters, encapsulating your thoughts and feelings on what you love about the
other, the reason you wish to spend the rest of your lives together and the
special qualities that only they possess, are locked away to be
revealed several years into your marriage.
We begin with a bottle
of favourite wine that the couple have chosen. Maybe a brand that has come to
be their favourite or one that holds meaning of a special time or place.
Even the most ordinary objects possess the ability to evoke powerful
images, memories and emotions.
Second, the special box in which everything
for this ceremony will be kept.
This box may be
purchased and customized with your names & wedding date or you may choose
to make or find your own. There are so many creative ideas that can go into
getting the “Just Right” wine box for you.
Inside your box is known
only to you.
You can include a favorite
pictures of you together, and other mementos making it your own romantic time
Next we have 2 love
letters each written privately without the other seeing it before they were
The love letters
describe how the bride & groom feel about each other today. Their faith in
one another & maybe what they found most endearing about the other when
they first met.
Also they may share their
hopes & dreams for the future,
Although I don’t know
just what those letter say I can tell you they have put a lot of thought into
their love letters.
At the ceremony a
special table is set up to hold the box, wine, love letters and any other
tokens your wish to add to the box.
At the agreed time in your ceremony the Officiant will state the
purpose of the "Love Letter & Wine Box Ceremony."
The Officiant will elaborate on the reasons for the sealed love
letters, place the sealed envelopes in with the wine bottle and will speak
about the exercise that you went through.
It should be emphasized that the letters have not been read by the
Officiant or by anyone else.
Once everything is
placed in the box it will be sealed for safe keeping until their 5th
The final step is to
seal the box
The box can be then be nailed shut
or locked with keys.
The Wine Box should be
opened on your 5th wedding anniversary.
There is only one other reason the box should be opened before
your anniversary. If there should come a time when you hit a bumpy road in your
relationship, before you give up or make any irrational decisions, open the Wine Box.
Sit down together, open the box, uncork the wine and unseal the
envelopes that you wrote for one another before your wedding, go to separate
rooms and quietly read the love letter.
Even if you are not seeing eye-to-eye at that very moment, it will
remind you of all the reasons you choose this person as your partner and all
the things that helped shape the life they've created together. Never take your
blessings of being together for granted.
The romantic sentiments you wrote, the declaration of love, the
clear thoughts about why you chose this person as your life partner will help
put you back on even ground.
This is the perfect ritual to remind you of your wedding day and
your intention to love and cherish each other in good times and bad for as long
as you both shall live.
The hope is that there will never be a reason to have to open the
box except on your anniversary with the intention to celebrate your love and
how it has grown stronger though all the life has brought you.
Your guests will be pleased to have been a witness to something so unique and different at your wedding ceremony.
If you are interested in this Unity Ceremony please contact me for the numerous possibilities of how to incorporate it into your wedding ceremony.

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