Wedding Weekend Couple #1
On Sat. the 13th I welcomed Melody and Tim for their Handfasting Marriage ceremony in The Wedding Garden.
They had family in attendance to cheer them on as all as take part in the ceremony.
We began the ceremony with a welcoming and having the couple state that they were entering the marriage of their own free will.
Both Melody and Tim were fun loving and laid back.
Although they took the actions of their marriage ceremony very serious they felt that the ceremony such be fun too.
We moved on to the Handfasting part of their ceremony with great joy.
ancient times only the rich could afford rings so couple used this form
of binding their hands and wrist together to represent their commitment
to each other.
The couple holds their hands now bound together as in times of old.
And so the
binding is made!!!!
Congratulations,,, You are now
Melody & Tim braided the 3 cords
with love & attached meaningful charms to it.
Before ending the ceremony we included a lovely part to the ceremony called Cakes and Ale,
They brought handmade bread (made by Melody) and I supplied the best fresh pressed from the orchard, apple cider around.
We all ate & drank giving thanks for our blessings.
Tim's mother is such an amazing lady
I had to have a photo of her. She is 69 yrs old & drove down to Raleigh
from Canada to be here for her son's wedding.
The day before she was due to arrive another car on the
highway side swiped her causing her to lose control of her car & end up
driving across the wrong side of the highway where she then went over the
embankment. Her car rolled over 3 times before coming to a stop.
And here she stands a few days later
with bruises but alive & well. Needless to say she was being watched over
from above!
What a remarkable woman!
Welcome Mr. & Mrs. Mayberry!
May you have many years together as happy as you were this day.