Tuesday, October 13, 2015

How to Acknowledge & Honor Deceased Family Members in a Wedding.

There are many ways to honor a deceased family member or loved ones in a wedding. 

Below are a few suggestions.

Set up a small table at the wedding reception with photos of loved ones and a card saying:                                                              
 “In memory of those loved ones who are not with us today”                    
You could also add a flower arrangement 


Place a flower on a seat in the front row, and/or a picture of the deceased family member.  It can remain unmentioned or the minister can refer to it at a certain point in the ceremony.

Place a memorial candle on a special table which the bride and groom will light at the start of the ceremony.  A picture of the deceased family member can also be placed next to it.

In response to the question,
"Who presents this bride in marriage?"

The response might be,
"In memory of her father (Name) I do".


After the presentation of the bride, the minister can say, "Before we begin our celebration today, the Bride and Groom would like us all to take a moment to remember those family members who can be with them today solely in spirit.
There will be a 10 second pause of silence.

Compile a memorial floral centerpiece.
Have an empty vase set on a special table at the front of the ceremony area.

 Give each guest a white flower as they enter along with a note that says that the flower will be placed in the vase at the instructed time in memory of the deceased family members.

As a final symbolic gesture, the bride and groom can each insert a red rose into the center of the arrangement, signifying the couple being surrounded by the love and support of their family and friends.

The arrangement can be used to decorate the head table or in another location at the reception.

Incorporate butterflies into your ceremony which are released at a certain time.

If you will be having a wedding program you can have a page or paragraph dedicated to the deceased family member/s.  You can write something like:   Today, we keep in our hearts those who celebrate with us in spirit.  Then write all of the names of family member/s who are deceased along with their relationship to the bride or groom. Or just write the name of one deceased family member.


Light a memorial candle during a special song.
Shown above is my favourite violinist!
Udeshi Hargett

For beautiful Flowers & Arrangements Contact:
Kelly Kennedy at http://teacupfloral.com/
 And as always, for the best Wedding Officiant in Raleigh contact: Rev. Samantha L. Heart
Email: samantha@heart2heart.us
Tele: 919-373-4267